Once upon a time...
Once upon a time there was a girl
A sweet little girl
Who dreamed, dreamed and dreamed
And wanted to live happily ever after
Her laugh was pure,
Her eyes were innocent.
And she was happy,
Stupidly and innocently happy.
Now she dreams no more,
Her smile has gone,
And from her eyes little crystals,
Called tears, drop.
Tears of the sad knowledge
That life isn’t easy,
That there is no happily ever after
And that dreams dont come true.
That little girl was me,
Those dreams were mine
But now they are just
Ashes of good memories.
A sweet little girl
Who dreamed, dreamed and dreamed
And wanted to live happily ever after
Her laugh was pure,
Her eyes were innocent.
And she was happy,
Stupidly and innocently happy.
Now she dreams no more,
Her smile has gone,
And from her eyes little crystals,
Called tears, drop.
Tears of the sad knowledge
That life isn’t easy,
That there is no happily ever after
And that dreams dont come true.
That little girl was me,
Those dreams were mine
But now they are just
Ashes of good memories.
No fim do poema dizes que "there is no happily ever after
And that dreams dont come true."
EU n axo pk um dos meus sonhos sempre foi encontrar alguem como tu e realizou-se!!! tu es a prova viva disso kto ao resto digo apenas VOU FAZER OS IMPOSSIVEIS PARA QUE VOLTES A SER AQUELA MENINA SONHADORA PARA QUE VLTES A DIZER UM DIA QUE AFINAL...os sonhos se tornam mesmo realidade (para quem merece).
E vou fazer isto porque apesar de tdos os defeitos que dizes k tens existem mtas poucas, mesmo muito poucas pexoas neste mundo k ame mais k a ti.
Ps. obgd pelo melhor ano da minha vida e tudo se deveu ao facto de estares simplesmente presente ao meu lado um grande obrigado mesmo.
adrt linda!