
When you can't contain what's inside put it through words...


You didn't wear a cape
Nor flew through skyscrapers
But when you held me in your arms
You took me to the top of world

You didn't have a perfect body
Nor big muscles
Instead you had scars and wrinkles
Still when you held my hand
There was no harm that could reach me

Life wasn't gentle with you
It knocked you down over and over
But you were a fighter

You kept rising up each and every time
You faced adversity with your head held high
A smile on your lips, kind words on your mouth
And a heart as big as the world.

Has time flies by I start to forget
Forget the sound of your voice
Forget the warmth of your hug
Forget the sweetness of your kiss
But you are always in my heart

Oh how I wish I could be just half of a woman that you were.
You are my Superwoman always and Forever!


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