
A mostrar mensagens de 2006

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a girl A sweet little girl Who dreamed, dreamed and dreamed And wanted to live happily ever after Her laugh was pure, Her eyes were innocent. And she was happy, Stupidly and innocently happy. Now she dreams no more, Her smile has gone, And from her eyes little crystals, Called tears, drop. Tears of the sad knowledge That life isn’t easy, That there is no happily ever after And that dreams dont come true. That little girl was me, Those dreams were mine But now they are just Ashes of good memories.

I love you

I don’t care If the sun shines If the wind blows If you were always by my side I don’t care What time it is Where it is If you were with me I just care That I love you That you love me And nothing, nothing can break this feeling. Thank you my sweet prince It's thanks to you that I feel this way Ana José

I'll be missing you!

For anywhere the wind blows For anywhere the river flows For anywhere the sun shines Or the moon glows I’ll be punishing me for my mistake I’ll be thinking about you I’ll be wondering what we could be doing I’ll be missing you Today I’m leaving I’m leaving that sweet dream I’m leaving that warm hug I’m leaving that good night kiss Every time I’m wishing that time could go back That it could stop on any day I was by your side I wish I could stay there for ever, But can’t, good things never last much time. So, today, I’ll dream about you And I wish I could sleep for ever I’ll be missing you My best friend, My God mother, My mother in heart. Adoru-t maezinha!

Let me believe

Let me believe That you still with me That nothing is different Let me cry, cry for All the fear inside my soul All the pain inside my heart Please, please Let me believe That you still love me One day I woke up You were still by my side And you weren’t the same Your mouth said you loved me as always Your eyes couldn’t say so And my heart couldn’t believe Please, please Let me believe That you still love me One day I’ll woke up You won’t be there anymore You won’t love me That day I’ll believe Believe that nothing is forever That you won’t love me anymore. Também não é autobiografico por ixo amor não te preocupes k eu amo-t mt

+ 1 sem titulo

Hoje queria não existir Queria viver numa bolha Onde não conhecesse ninguém Onde a minha identidade fosse desconhecida. Então a solidão seria rainha A tristeza percorreria as minhas veias A dor atormentaria o meu ser, e O sofrimento me destruiria. Mas só aí dormiria em paz Pois jamais veria as tuas lágrimas De desconsolo e dor, as tuas lágrimas Que derramavas por mim. Não é autobiografico


Em pezinhos de lã Num misto de tristeza e alegria Instala-se no nosso coração Pequenas gotas de dor Precipitam por não estares aqui, Aqui a meu lado junto a mim. Há quem diga que é bom Há quem diga que é mau É apenas um sentimento É apenas Saudade. Saudade de quem já partiu, Saudade de quem não está ao nosso lado Saudade de quem permanecerá Para sempre incrustado no nosso coração

Simplesmente lindo

Aqui vai um poema lindo que vi num filme também lindo In her shoes .... I carry your heart with me I carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) I fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet) i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grow shigher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) Edward Estlin Cummings